Eco-friendly Water Spraying Bug Blaster
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Eco-friendly Water Spraying Bug Blaster Overview
Blast those pesky pesty insects off your beloved plants with our eco-friendly bug blaster that annihilates your insect enemies without the use of pesticides.What does it do? Well, we're glad you asked. The bug blaster has a 360 degree spray flat design that sprays the water in a 360 degree circle as the water comes out of the tube. It's like covering the water hose with your thumb - but way better! With this spray design, it allows you to blast full pressure water all the way in the center of your plants, where insects hide, as well as make sure you get the tops and bottoms of all the leaves.How does this work? Another good question. This bug blaster fatally traumatizes soft-bodied insects, such as aphids, mealybugs, white flies, spider mites, and more, but is gentle enough not to harm your plants or beneficial insects, which are typically larger and hard-bodied.The bug blaster also cleans spider webs, dust, dirt and sooty mold, keeping your plants clean.Simply hook the bug blaster up to your garden hose and blast away! Keeping the spray vertical and in a sweeping motion you can work the nozzle in and out of the plant easily, while concentrating on the most infected areas to get the best results.Depending on the type of plant you have, you can control the water flow with an easy to use valve located at the base of the handle.Great news! This product does not mix with any pesticides or other chemicals. It just uses the power of water and typically uses only 60% of the water flow from the hose at a time, saving you water and money! Another benefit is that it is safe for kids and pets, and it cleans your plants while feeding them!
Eco-friendly Water Spraying Bug Blaster Feature
- 30" handle giving you lots of length
- Water pressure adjusting valve at base of the handle
- 45 degree bend for easily reaching up high or down low
- Easily attaches to any water hose